As a driver, you probably keep a wide range of different items in your car. Books and magazines. A couple of empty shopping bags, here or there. Maybe even a pair of jumper cables or a wrench to help change a tire. But how many of those items are truly useful on a daily basis? How many of those items are going to help keep you protected in the event of an emergency? How many allow you to prepare both for the types of situations that you CAN anticipate... along with those you can't?.
So much of staying safe on the open road involves having the right tool for the right job - regardless of what that job happens to be. With that in mind, what follows is a comprehensive list of the top 15 items that EVERY driver should consider keeping in their car. Whether you're just looking for a bit of additional peace-of-mind or you're regularly driving from coast to coast, these items will absolutely help to make sure that you don't have a thing to worry about.
1. Portable Solar Charger

Who among us HASN'T been in the middle of a long car ride, only to realize that your smartphone is about to die and you can't do anything about it? Or worse yet, you're in a neighborhood you're unfamiliar with and you're using your phone for directions... only to realize that the battery meter is quickly ticking down to "0%."
Thanks to the Portable Solar / USB 1,800mAH Power Bank with Window Suction Cups, this is one situation that you do NOT have to worry about any longer. Not only can this product charge a wide range of products including smartphones, tablets, MP3 players and more, but its also solar powered - meaning just leave it out in the sun for around 13 hours and you're ready to go once again.
CLICK HERE GET A PORTABLE SOLAR CHARGER »2. Always Have a Roadside HERO Recommended

There are flashlights, and then there are flashlights - and the Stealth Angel Roadside Hero absolutely falls into the second category. Not only do you get what is perhaps the most powerful flashlight you'll ever buy, but the Roadside Hero also makes the perfect roadside auto emergency tool thanks to its multi-function capabilities. Not only does it also double as a hammer, but it also acts as a belt cutter, a powerful magnet, an accurate compass AND a power bank. Regardless of what type of trip you're about to take or what type of situation you're trying to prepare yourself for, the Roadside Hero is absolutely the type of product you want to have by your side every step of the way.
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ROADSIDE HERO »3. Emergency Flashlight / Radio / Solar & Dynamo Charger

In the unfortunate event that you're behind the wheel of your car and you find yourself in an emergency, one of the most important items you can have by your side is and will always be a radio. Whether you're talking about a sudden severe storm or some other type of unpredictable event, information is truly the most valuable asset that you have available to you. This is a large part of what makes this product so powerful - and essential. Not only is it an emergency solar, hand crank and DC-powered radio, but it also includes the added functionality of a power bank and a flashlight - all rolled into one convenient product! Never worry about getting trapped on-the-go ever again.

What if jump starting the dead battery in your car was as easy as charging your smartphone? Isn't that the type of wonderful world that you want to live in? The good news is, you already are - especially thanks to the SA-CPB400 Portable Car Battery Jump Starter (12V 12000mah 400A) and USB Power Bank w/ LED Flashlight. Not only is this item compact enough to store in your glove box or under your seat when it isn't in use, but it can also charge all of your digital devices (like smartphones, cameras, tablets and more) in addition to jump starting your car, a motorcycle, a snowmobile or even an ATV!

One of the best ways to make sure that your furry little friends stay healthy involves making sure that they stay HYDRATED - especially on those hot summer days. Never worry about leaving home and forgetting your dog's water bottle ever again, not with the Portable Dog Water Bottle & Bowl - 20oz Non-Spill Design at your side. This product is designed from the ground up with dogs in minds and supports their natural drinking style. It fits cup holders, back packs, bike cages and more and even doubles as a convenient water bottle for humans, too!
CLICK HERE TO GET THIS DOG WATER BOTTLE »6. 15-in-1 Heavy-Duty Multi-Function Folding Shovel

Part of being prepared involves having the right tool by your side for ANY situation that you could possibly find yourself in. Now, thanks to the 15-in-1 Heavy-Duty Multi-Function Folding Shovel, you've got nearly every scenario you can think of well and truly taken care of. This item is more than just a shovel - the available functions include everything from digging to cutting to sawing, exploring, starting a fire or even opening a bottle of your favorite tasty beverage. This is truly the ultimate item to keep in your car for nearly every adventure you might want to go on, from camping to hiking to backpacking and much, much more.
CLICK HERE TO GET THIS 15-IN-1 SURVIVAL SHOVEL »7. Multi-Function Hooded Rain Poncho

How many times have you been on an afternoon outdoor excursion only to get hit with a sudden bout of rain? Or how about those afternoon hiking trips that you'd really like to have run on into the evening hours, but you left your trusty tent at home? These are again the types of situations you'll never need to worry about, not when you keep the SA-RC1 Military Style Hooded Rain Poncho & Multi-Purpose Waterproof Shelter / Tent / Picnic Mat in your car.
Not only is this item incredibly strong and made from durable, 100% waterpoof and lightweight material, but it also has a wide range of uses including ones as a rainproof poncho, a shelter, a tent, a mat or even a blanket for that impromptu (and delicious) afternoon picnic!
CLICK HERE TO GET THIS HOODED RAIN PONCHO »8. Emergency Vehicle Window Breaker

One moment, you're safely driving behind the wheel of your car - cruising down the road at a completely acceptable speed. The next minute, a runaway driver appears out of nowhere. You swerve to avoid him, but it's too late - you've just flipped your car and you're hanging upside down by your seat belt.
Make no mistake about it: this is absolutely the type of situation that ANYONE could find themselves in, but provided that you've got the Emergency Vehicle Window Breaker & Seat Belt Cutter & Standing Aid Cane by your side it's not one that you have to take laying down. This durable yet lightweight item acts as not only a seat belt cutter to make sure you can get to safety, but also an emergency escape window breaker AND a standing aid cane in the event that you're injured. Not only that, but it also has a Dual LED flashlight that you can use to flag down someone to help you!
CLICK HERE TO GET THIS EMERGENCY WINDOW BREAKER »9. LifeStraw Personal Water Filtration System

Whether you're a die-hard hiking or camping enthusiast or just want to spend a nice afternoon outdoors, you should NEVER venture outside without knowing where your next drink of fresh water is coming from. But now, you don't have to - especially when you make an effort to always keep a LifeStraw Personal Water Filtration System for Hiking, Camping, Travel and Emergency Preparedness in the glove compartment of your car.
As the name suggests, this is a tool that contains NO chemicals, requires NO batteries and has NO moving parts - but still helps to purify any and all water from sources like streams, lakes, ponds and other potentially contaminated sources. This is proven to remove a MINIMUM of 99.9999% waterborne bacteria and up to 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites. This is certainly one item that you do NOT want to leave home without.
CLICK HERE TO GET A LIFESTRAW »10. Car Backseat Multi-Pocket Organizer

Let's face facts - there are certain items that you just can't see yourself leaving home without, especially in the digital world that we're now living in. You need to be just as productive while you're on-the-go as you are in your office, which probably means you'll be taking items like smartphones, tablets and other personal devices with you in the car. But transporting those items is one thing - keeping them organized is something else entirely. But now, thanks to the Car Backseat Multi-Pocket Organizer, Storage, Cooler and Tablet/Phone Holder, that is truly easier than ever.
Not only does this act as a multi-pocket organizer for all of your loose items (complete with compartments designed specifically for smartphones and tablets), but it also acts as a cooler to keep your drinks nice and fresh! It's an especially helpful item to keep around if you have kids that will be riding with you!
CLICK HERE TO GET THIS CAR ORGANIZER »11. The Stealth Angel Survival Kit Recommended

So many of the items on this list are designed to make sure that you're prepared in the event that you run into ANY emergency situation, regardless of how unlikely they may be. While that peace-of-mind is certainly valuable, it's also one of the major ideas that makes the Stealth Angel Survival / Everyday Carry Kit so unique (and so valuable). It's designed to be something that you'll use EVERY day, no exceptions.
This super compact, discreet and ultra-durable carry kit includes items with not 10, not 100, but over 1000 (!) combined uses between them. Not only is it the smartest, most compact survival kit of its kind, but all of these items were also hand-selected by a team of law enforcement members, veterans and enthusiasts to make sure that whether you're trying to survive an emergency or just want to make sure that you have a butterfly wrench available at all times, you'll be well and truly taken care of.
CLICK HERE TO GET THE STEALTH ANGEL SURVIVAL KIT »12. Heavy-Duty Tactical Pen w/ Carbide Tip

Many people don't realize just how strong the glass in their car truly is until they're forced to try to break out of it by hand. Car accidents happen every day, and if you're ever trapped in your vehicle you don't want to find out the hard way that you're not nearly as strong as you think you are. But now, thanks to the Heavy-Duty Tactical Pen w/ Carbide Tip, you won't have to - it can be used to break glass quickly, easily and safely in ANY emergency you may be in.
Not only is this unit made of high quality aircraft steel, but it's also lightweight, portable and incredibly durable. It can be clipped to shirts, suits, pockets and other articles of clothing and is even compatible with standard refills.

If you can only keep one of the items on this list in your car with you at all times, you're likely going to want to make it the Ultimate Auto Emergency Kit whether you realize it or not. As the name suggests, this single kit includes ALL of the emergency items that you could ever need with you in your car including those designed for light and communication, enough food and water for you to survive 72-hours until help arrives, tools like a tow rope, car battery jumper cables and a reflective triangle and much, much more.
It's even got first aid items like a pocket tissue pack, a 37-piece portable bandage kit and more - all so that you can take ANY car ride with the confidence that only comes with knowing you're absolutely protected at all times.

As we become more and more connected to the technology around us with each passing day, it becomes difficult to actually juggle this connection with another one of the most important responsibilities that we have - driving safely at all times. Yes, being able to get turn-by-turn directions on your phone is important. But keeping your eyes on the road is equally so. Now, thanks to Huddy, this is one choice you'll never have to make again.
As the name suggests, Huddy is designed to deliver a cutting-edge, heads-up display right in your car. It's easy to setup and use and works right out of the box with NO wires or other installation hassles to worry about. Huddy works day or night, rain or shine and is even customizable by way of apps that add GPS functionality, traffic conditions, a speedometer and more. Forget about reaching for your phone while you're driving - you'll forget your phone is even in the car with you once you see Huddy up close and personal.

Finally, one of the most important items that you could keep in your car with you at all times deals directly with a major pain point of drivers everywhere: maintenance. Everyone knows the frustration that comes with having a dashboard warning light pop on during a long drive, only to realize that you have no way to properly diagnose the problem yourself. Thankfully, however, you DO have a way - it's called FIXD and it's available right now.
FIXD is capable of alerting you to over 7000 different issues with your car in real-time, right from your smartphone screen. You'll know directly why the "Check Engine" light just came on beyond the shadow of a doubt AND you can quickly see how severe a problem really is. Not only that, but you'll also get automatic oil change and maintenance reminders and more - leaving all of your maintenance worries in the rear-view mirror where they belong.